Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Special Thursdays

Since the beginning of the school year, I have been putting the twins in a home daycare on Thursdays in order to 1) spend a little quality time with my oldest, and 2) either run errands or clean house the few hours he is in preschool in the afternoon.  I can't say enough how these days have been worth every penny.  I will also say that I know I am blessed to have this opportunity; please don't think for a second I take these days for granted.  I understand that it is also good for the twins to separate from me and get some good social time with other kiddos.  They absolutely love Amy (Mee-Mee) and all the kids there.

Our usual Thursdays consist of either going to the library to pick out new books and read a few there, going to the community center to either play basketball or swim, going to the dentist or sometimes the Doctor (limited, as you can't really take your 5-year-old son to your annual pap smear...).  And very occasionally, and I mean maybe once every 2 months, I take him to Walmart or Target to get a few things.  I try really hard to do that on my own or at another time, as all he does is complain the entire time we are there...."Are you done yet?"  "Can we go look at the toys, now?" "Why does that ladies butt crack hang out?"  (Just kidding on that last one.)

Last but not least, we go out for breakfast or lunch together.  I love this time.  It is really rare that I go out to eat these past few years.  And when I do get to go out, I'm usually scarfing my own food down in order to be prepared for when one of the twins wants to run around, or throw food, or jump up and down in the get the picture.

So it's just G and I.  We order our food (I make him tell the waitress what he wants) and then we play Tic Tac Toe on our napkins while we wait.  Sometimes we play "I Spy" but I'm afraid he may even be getting a little too old for that one now.  Most recently we have been sounding out words on the menu or the table advertisements as he has been showing a real interest in learning how to read.

No matter what our mornings entail, I cherish them so much and I can slowly feel them coming to an end.  I know that he technically should have went to Kindergarten this past year, but I have no regrets about waiting an extra year.  These are the very last times that I am ever, ever going to spend a Thursday morning with him alone, other than very special occasions when school is out or I take him out of school for an appointment and we play "hooky". 

I can only hope he has fond memories of these Thursday morning with his mom.  He doesn't remember all of our one-on-one days from his birth to age 3...
I hope he at least remembers our one-on-one time from ages 5-6.

*Side Note:
I wrote this post on February 14 (Valentines Day) and never posted it.  G came home from his Valentines party with a card for his Dad and I.  Here is what it said,

Dear Mom and Dad,
I love it when you take me hunting, Dad.
Mom, I love it when you take me to Walmart.


Gee.  So glad that all of our special lunches (and library, pool, gym) moments are leaving such a mark on his heart.  Screw it.  We're going to spend all morning in Walmart tomorrow. 

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